Tuesday, March 31, 2009

3 Always-Popular Niches

by Ryan Shinglebaum

When first starting out in Internet marketing, it's kind of hard to figure out which niche you want to start with. Do you go with a small, unknown niche that may flop or pay off huge? You could also go with one of the popular niches that will be around for a very long time.

Sometimes these niches are called evergreen niches. That's because these niches always have people looking to buy something to help solve their problems. It would be a good idea to start targeting these niches as you always know there's a huge demand.

Love and Relationships:

There is a wealth of niches in the relationships category, because there's so many stages of a relationship. There's always newbies to dating looking for a date and wondering how to act on a date. With regards to weddings, there's proposing, the whole wedding planning process, and more. Also, marriages and relationships in general have strife and people always need advice.

There are tons of other ideas for niches in the relationships category. Since humans will always have problems in relationships, you can provide the solution and get paid to do so! Just learn about a problem, write a solution, and sell the solution, and you're set.

Making More Money:

Getting more money is always a goal people have, especially in times of recession. If you can market ways for people to make more money, then you can have some success. Also, not simply making more money, but also helping people who are in debt and other financial problems can be a huge market.


There are two great reasons that health niches do very well. One of those reasons is the amount of niches available to tackle. Any health problem is a potential niche. Another reason is that the affiliate programs for health products pay very, very well. AdSense clicks pay well for health terms also.

No matter the season, weight loss will remain a popular niche within the health and fitness industry. Weddings happen every day and every bride wants to look their best on their special day. In the health and fitness industry you usually see a spike right before summer or the fall holidays.

When the time comes to sell and you've chosen one of the three niches mentioned, you won't have a hard time finding a buyer. As long as you choose a popular niche and do your homework, you'll be just fine. Keep it simple and choose something you think most of your friends or neighbors would be interested in.

This article was created to help you begin (http://nichetitans.com/) Niche Marketing and guide you on your way to sucessful Internet marketing. After you understand the basics, ex: (http://nichetitans.com/what-is-niche-marketing/) What is Niche Marketing, you'll be on your way to success. Start simple and as you work on it you'll be amazed by your progress.

The best Internet Marketing reference is Holly Mann's Honest Riches.

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