Working with a ghostwriter can be very beneficial. Before you work with one, below are some points to remember when you start working with a ghostwriter. Take these points into consideration and you can be assured of positive results in this business endeavor. Communication is the key for positive results so make sure to communicate effectively with your ghostwriter.
Part 1: Making Sure Your Expectations are met
* Have you considered confidentiality? Make sure all the projects you hand over to your ghostwriter will be kept in confidence. Just because your ghostwriter is working on a particular project for you does not give them the right to share it with others or use it for their own benefit. Consider having your ghostwriter sign a non-disclosure agreement.
* How quick is the turnaround time? Whenever you assign a new project to your ghostwriter, make sure to let them know when you expect the completed project back for your review. Delays are inevitable sometimes, however, discussing deadlines can make sure communication lines are open and can guarantee fewer delays in your project completion.
* File Format: Let your ghostwriter know if your require specific file formats (For example .doc or text, any font type or style)
* Are you clear on your spelling needs? If you did not know, there is a difference between U.S. English and British English words. Let your ghostwriter know which one is needed for your project.
* How does your ghostwriter expect to be paid? Do you know how your ghostwriter wants payment for her service? She may require a partial payment before she starts working on a project for you. Full payment may need to be completed before you can start using the finished work.
Part 2: Clarifying The Writing Process
* Writing Voice & Style: If you have a specific voice you'd like your writer to duplicate, be sure to provide plenty of samples to give your writer a good overview of what you're looking for.
* Give Them Your Angle: As you know, the world is full of people with differing opinions. Even things we might believe to be facts, someone else will believe something else. If you want a writer to take a specific stance on a topic, be sure to let them know what you're looking for.
* Sentence & Paragraph Formatting: If they're writer is familiar with online writing, they will already know this. But if you are working with a writer who is accustomed to print writing, you may want to inform them about the unique requirement online writing requires. For example, eye fatigue can happen easily on long, so keep paragraphs and sentences short and simple. Paragraphs should be 3-5 sentences. Sentences should also be relatively simply and convey one idea at a time. Bullet points make content much easier to read.
* What do you want covered in the article? You may be very knowledgeable about a specific topic that you want covered in the article. Make a list of facts that you want your ghostwriter to include in the article. Make no assumptions that she knows which facts your want mentioned. It may take a few minutes to put your list of facts together but this will ensure a more acceptable final product.
* Does your ghostwriter understand plagiarism? If you are working with a professional ghostwriter, you do not need to talk to them about plagiarism. However, if you are working with a newbie, make sure to mention to them that copying other writers' work is not acceptable. This includes copy and pasting sentences and rewriting them to make a new article. Researching and reading articles are fine but make sure that the final work is 100% original. Make sure to mention too that using special article rewriting software doesn't count as writing an original article.
* Use of Hyperlinks: Often content is designed to promote a product/ business/ website, etc. That often means that links to outside websites is often a distraction to the content your ghostwriter creates. You need to tell your writer if you want them or don't want them to link to outside resources.
* Do you want your content to be evergreen? Most projects passed on to ghostwriters require content to be evergreen. Your ghostwriter may already be aware of this but it is smart to remind them about it. In some cases, you may wish your article to be timely and pointing out specific events. Whatever content you wish your article to have, whether evergreen or time specific, make sure to be clear with your ghostwriter.
* Edit Process: Know how many edits are included with the written project. Some writer's rate may not include any edits. It is a good idea to know what you can expect before you let your ghostwriter start with the project.
If you'd like to take the hassle out of content creation and get back to running your business, let ( All Custom Content take care of all the little details. For professionally researched and prepared ( ghostwritten content, visit Alice & Annette today.
The best Internet Marketing reference is Holly Mann's Honest Riches.