Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Working with a Ghostwriter

Contributed by Alice Seba

Working with a ghostwriter can be very beneficial. Before you work with one, below are some points to remember when you start working with a ghostwriter. Take these points into consideration and you can be assured of positive results in this business endeavor. Communication is the key for positive results so make sure to communicate effectively with your ghostwriter.

Part 1: Making Sure Your Expectations are met

* Have you considered confidentiality? Make sure all the projects you hand over to your ghostwriter will be kept in confidence. Just because your ghostwriter is working on a particular project for you does not give them the right to share it with others or use it for their own benefit. Consider having your ghostwriter sign a non-disclosure agreement.

* How quick is the turnaround time? Whenever you assign a new project to your ghostwriter, make sure to let them know when you expect the completed project back for your review. Delays are inevitable sometimes, however, discussing deadlines can make sure communication lines are open and can guarantee fewer delays in your project completion.

* File Format: Let your ghostwriter know if your require specific file formats (For example .doc or text, any font type or style)

* Are you clear on your spelling needs? If you did not know, there is a difference between U.S. English and British English words. Let your ghostwriter know which one is needed for your project.

* How does your ghostwriter expect to be paid? Do you know how your ghostwriter wants payment for her service? She may require a partial payment before she starts working on a project for you. Full payment may need to be completed before you can start using the finished work.

Part 2: Clarifying The Writing Process

* Writing Voice & Style: If you have a specific voice you'd like your writer to duplicate, be sure to provide plenty of samples to give your writer a good overview of what you're looking for.

* Give Them Your Angle: As you know, the world is full of people with differing opinions. Even things we might believe to be facts, someone else will believe something else. If you want a writer to take a specific stance on a topic, be sure to let them know what you're looking for.

* Sentence & Paragraph Formatting: If they're writer is familiar with online writing, they will already know this. But if you are working with a writer who is accustomed to print writing, you may want to inform them about the unique requirement online writing requires. For example, eye fatigue can happen easily on long, so keep paragraphs and sentences short and simple. Paragraphs should be 3-5 sentences. Sentences should also be relatively simply and convey one idea at a time. Bullet points make content much easier to read.

* What do you want covered in the article? You may be very knowledgeable about a specific topic that you want covered in the article. Make a list of facts that you want your ghostwriter to include in the article. Make no assumptions that she knows which facts your want mentioned. It may take a few minutes to put your list of facts together but this will ensure a more acceptable final product.

* Does your ghostwriter understand plagiarism? If you are working with a professional ghostwriter, you do not need to talk to them about plagiarism. However, if you are working with a newbie, make sure to mention to them that copying other writers' work is not acceptable. This includes copy and pasting sentences and rewriting them to make a new article. Researching and reading articles are fine but make sure that the final work is 100% original. Make sure to mention too that using special article rewriting software doesn't count as writing an original article.

* Use of Hyperlinks: Often content is designed to promote a product/ business/ website, etc. That often means that links to outside websites is often a distraction to the content your ghostwriter creates. You need to tell your writer if you want them or don't want them to link to outside resources.

* Do you want your content to be evergreen? Most projects passed on to ghostwriters require content to be evergreen. Your ghostwriter may already be aware of this but it is smart to remind them about it. In some cases, you may wish your article to be timely and pointing out specific events. Whatever content you wish your article to have, whether evergreen or time specific, make sure to be clear with your ghostwriter.

* Edit Process: Know how many edits are included with the written project. Some writer's rate may not include any edits. It is a good idea to know what you can expect before you let your ghostwriter start with the project.

If you'd like to take the hassle out of content creation and get back to running your business, let (http://www.AllCustomContent.com) All Custom Content take care of all the little details. For professionally researched and prepared (http://www.allcustomcontent.com) ghostwritten content, visit Alice & Annette today.
The best Internet Marketing reference is Holly Mann's Honest Riches.

Keyword Selection and Placement Tips

Contributed by Terry Stanfield

A big part of successful search engine marketing is search engine placement (where your web page falls in the search engine results). Keyword selection and placement is a major factor in on-page Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing but whenever new businesses are trying to get their web page noticed and show up higher in the search engine results pages, they often focus just on what their site looks like instead of also utilizing SEO strategies to help get their web site to come up in the search engines. Here is one easy way that you can improve your search engine placement results to increase your web page traffic and your sales.

Keyword selection is very important, so choose carefully. Keywords are the driving force behind successful search engine marketing and search engine optimization. Your search engine ranking, and ultimately how many people read your website, depends on the keywords or key phrases that you choose. So pick carefully. When you're trying to decide what keyword or key phrase to focus your search engine optimization on, you should start with the most basic search term that a person would be likely to use when trying to find a web page about your product or service. So, for example, if you are selling refrigerator magnets on your website, when it's time to pick the keywords that you want to use for search engine marketing, what are the first words that come into your mind? Did you think of words like "kitchen refrigerator magnets" or "funny refrigerator magnets" or even "cartoon refrigerator magnets"?

Use those words as your primary keywords because chances are good that, if those were the first words that you thought of in relation to your product, those will be the first words that other people think of when they are searching for your product.

When you are choosing keywords for your search engine marketing campaign, always use more than one word. If you only have one keyword then you will get ranked very low on the search engine results page because the search engine spiders will have millions of web pages in their indexes that have that word somewhere in the page. The more specific you can make the keywords or key phrase, the more likely it is that your search engine marketing and search engine optimization efforts will pay off and bring in customers that are looking for exactly the product that you are selling.

Make sure that you position your keywords carefully, spreading your keywords throughout the page. I suggest using your main keyword phrase in your first and last paragraph of your content. And don't forget to use them in the headings and in the hidden HTML meta tags on the page, especially the "title tag". It will make it more likely that the search engine spiders will rank your web page higher than other pages that might have some of the same content but don't have those keywords or key phrases placed properly on the web page.

Search engine marketing is great because it delivers people who are actively searching for what you have. Unless you employ some search engine optimization strategies like keyword placement, your site may never be found by those who desperately need what you have.

Before you start an SEO project, go to Terry Stanfield's site for information on how to (http://www.clickadvant.com) increase website traffic and more (http://www.clickadvant.com) ppc management.

Atomic Blogging can take your blog to new levels of income.

Buying Guaranteed Visitors For A Site

Contributed by Joseph Then

As website owners, one of the biggest issues is to get visitors to your sites. Now, you can try to increase traffic by performing article submissions, forum signature and bookmarking. The good news is that there is one easy way and that is to buy traffic. This is also known as (http://www.goodmlmsignups.com/Guaranteed_Traffic.html) Guaranteed Traffic.

Now, buying guaranteed traffic is a knowledge of its own. There are countless websites that provide bogus guaranteed traffic package, only a few really give real traffic. As a matter of fact, more than 90% of the online companies are not giving real visitors. Those visitors are just pure hits or a program running to give you a numbers count.

The challenge here is to find that company that genuinely gives real traffic and this is not an easy task. So how do you know if a company is giving real traffic for your money?

Let me share with you. Well, there are three ways to know:

1) The visitors package is not cheap - Yes, it's true. A good visitors package is not cheap and should sell for almost $2 CPM (per 1000 visitors). If you get a quote like $10 for 10,000 visitors, be on the alert because it is stupid for a company to provide at such a small price. A simple logic deduction will have information that it's inconceivable. Remember, low-cost doesn't equate to quality.

2) The package can be targeted - Any visitors package should be able to be targeted. At the very least, it should be country targeted. Companies that can provide targeted visitors are mostly in control of their system. That means that they are in control of their targeting.

3) Feedback - Check out the webmaster's forums, make a search. There should be some mention of some companies that provide good traffic. Word-of-mouth is often the best approach to determine if a company is providing real traffic.

Lastly, conduct a test to check the guaranteed traffic package before buying more. Track the conversions and one should know if you are getting a good deal.

Interested in getting more website traffic to your website? If so, make sure that you visit our website for more (http://www.goodmlmsignups.com/Guaranteed_Traffic.html) Guaranteed Website Traffic. We provide the best traffic for our clients
The best Internet Marketing reference is Holly Mann's Honest Riches.

Classified Ads for Free

Contributed by Alex Wu

You can find anything from a wedding dress to a lost dog in the free Classified Ads. Free Classified Ads have been around for centuries. "Classified" means "divided into different classes or categories". "Ad", of course, means "advertisement".

A stone was found in Pompeii with writing on it. It is assumed that the writing on it was an advertisement for the community and is the first documented ad. Maybe advertisement went even farther back in history. The cavemen put figures on cave rock. Maybe they were advertisements too. It was not until the 15th century that written notes were placed in public areas for advertisement.

Suburbs or rural areas usually publish a small paper weekly with a page for free advertisements. These papers usually involve ads from several local area communities. These ads span large consumer areas. These small papers are about the only places for free ads that are left.

The Internet explosion with web marketers changed how you can advertise things. There are some free advertisement sites on the Internet where you can post your ads. In your community you will still find written ads at schools, churches store windows and bars,

There are still local call-in radio ads for people to buy or sell their treasures. There can be some strange things people sell and people buy them, too. Everybody needs 25 ice cream buckets, right?

Before this decade, marketers could use search engines that offered advertising on the Internet through sponsorship but the individual marketer could not set up their own campaign. The Internet is the mecca for free ad web sites The Internet is the top free advertiser. There are too many sites to mention.

There is also Craig's List that will advertise anything. Craig's List has everything and all the ad posts are free. Craig Newmark was the brainiac that started this site. Craig's List began in 1995 and it soon became very popular when the news spread that you could get free advertising. At first, Craig's List advertised social events and local businesses in San Francisco. Craig's initial intention for the site was for it to be a mailing list.

Internet advertising is here to stay. It is a big market. People with web sites will often partner up and advertise each other's products on their site. This is often done with multiple sites. They will not pay each other for the service and if the buyer first cane to your site to buy the product you will get revenue, too.

Some engineers from Google developed the AdWords system. With the development of AdWords, marketers can drive potential consumers to their web site.

If you want to get on the bandwagon and try selling on the Internet, there are many free classified web sites. You can start up with an Internet business and get some free advertising but that soon fizzles out and you end up paying for it. The first sale from an AdWord campaign sold live red lobsters.

Wikipedia could almost be considered an advertising site because the site writes about everything. It has definitions for products from all over the world. Wikipedia can be found in several languages. It is still possible to find a place to post your ad for free.

About the Author

Alex Wu is fascinated by numbers and trading in the marketplace. He wants to build a (http://www.Jihoy.com) free classified ads site that leverages the power of social networking to facilitate business hiring in his (http://www.Jihoy.com) free classified ads website.
Do you have a Wordpress blog? Then you need Wordpress Gold Mine.

3 Reasons to Start a Video Blog

Contributed by Terry Stanfield

A video blog is a very popular method of video marketing today that has completely revolutionized the way people practice their marketing efforts. Video blogging is popular because it allows you to increase website traffic in many ways. There are three major reasons you should think about using your own video blogs for your business that can help forge your company in front of the competition and into success.

Video blogging started in 2004 when a man named Adam Kontras detailed a move to Los Angeles to show everyone his attempt at show business. This attempt was successful leading to a segment on The Early Show which shot video blogging into the forefront. Today video blogging is a very successful method of advertising campaigns for most online businesses.

Video blogging is also known as vlogging which is a video form of blogging. This format of blogging allows you to integrate videos into the blog and post them using the Web 2.0 technologies on different websites across the Internet.

Here are 3 major reasons why you should start your own video blog.

1. A video blog is an excellent way to increase website traffic to your video and to your website. The only way to increase your page rank is to earn the trust of online customers who expect these technologies and features.

2. Video blogs allow for better search engine rankings when you practice video marketing with keywords. You select the text integrated inside of the video that will be called upon during search engine queries that will pull up your video ad marketing.

3. Video blogs can be syndicated and can be uploaded, downloaded, and distributed all over the Internet. The right video marketing campaign will allow a video blog to be downloaded, replayed, and distributed through an RSS or Atom feed.

Video blogs have revolutionized the Internet and have provided a marketing method that allows for ultimate success for any business online. This is a very low cost method for an advertising campaign which can give you maximum exposure at virtually no cost.

There are many reasons why you should practice video ad marketing such as syndication and distribution all over the Internet, increasing website and video traffic, and World Wide Web ranking improvements.

Before you start an Video Marketing campaign, go to Terry Stanfield's site for information on (http://www.clickadvant.com/video_marketing.htm?utm_source=VIDARC) Search Engine Marketing Services and more on (http://www.clickadvant.com/video_marketing.htm?utm_source=VIDARC) Video Ad Marketing.

Need more traffic to your web site? Check out Twitter Traffic Exposed.

SEO and Backlink Building

Contributed by Justin Harrison

If you are trying to rank high in a search engine for a competitive phrase, you will need more than SEO tactics. You will need a lot of backlinks.

Backlinks are links from other websites or blogs that link to your website. Some good backlinks will do more than anything you can do on your own site.

When somebody embeds a link to your page, they are implying that they value the content of your site. When Google or any other major search engine spots this link, they tally it like a vote.

Anchor text is more important than how many sites have links to your site. Anchor text is what people see when they click on a link. Search engines will see the anchor text as well. This is one way they know what your site has to offer.

This is the reason that you need to anchor text of links that are incoming to the top keywords when you can. Now that you know why backlinks are critical, let's discover some ways to make them happen.

People will be more likely to embed links to your site if they find it useful, interesting, and one-of-a-kind. Therefore, you should try to offer unique and controversial conent. Remember, offering well-maintained material that isn't available elsewhere on the web is key to getting links!

Try to make it really easy for other websites to link to your website. Try setting up a "link to us" page to simplify the process. Also, make sure that you include keywords in the anchor text.

All you have to do is write a few articles and request that they be listed in article directories. Webmasters will select them to be posted on other sites with a link to your site. With just one article, you can get many links back to your site. Or you can directly contact sites that fall into your field and ask if you can be a regular contributor.

About the Author

Justin Harrison is a leading (http://www.justinharrison.com/) Internet Marketing consultant responsible for the (http://www.justinharrison.com/) Internet Marketing strategies behind some of the biggest online brands including Amazon, BBC, MasterCard and many others.
Need more traffic to your web site? Check out Twitter Traffic Exposed.

Proven Ways To Make Article Marketing Profitable

Contributed by Raymond Krost

If you are a webmaster, you already probably know that there is only one way to earn money online and that is to drive quality traffic to your website. When millions of people are visiting your site on a regular basis, you will easily augment your sales potential and online revenue.

Produce more articles.

If you want to obtain more inbound links to pull up your search engine ranking, you better multiply the number of your copies. This will help you drive more interested people to your website and can help to strengthen your online presence. Don't have the time to do it?

Just like some online entrepreneurs who have so much on their plates, you may opt to hire ghostwriters who can do the legwork for you. Depending on your topic, research needed, and word count, you may expect to pay $5-12 per article.

I highly suggest that you use simple words that are proven to evoke action and communicate the benefits that you can offer to online users the moment they open your copies.

Use the inverted pyramid technique.

You will need to promote further reading and compel online users to read your articles until they reach your resource box to boost your conversion rate. The inverted pyramid technique can help you with that. This is the process of putting all the important information on the first paragraph of your articles and placing supporting data on your succeeding paragraphs to keep your readers interested.

Keep your articles short.

You don't need to put everything you know in one article as you wouldn't want to bore your readers or overload your copies with too much information.

To generate more favorable attention online, I suggest that you keep your articles short, concise, and direct to the point. If you can educate your readers using 300-500 words, the better.

Create an author's biography.

Don't be another faceless online marketer. To easily build rapport with your readers, you may create an author's bio that can offer your potential clients some of your personal information. In this section, you can communicate your hobbies, your expertise, your willingness to help, etc. You may also include a friendly-looking photo to add some personal touch.

About the Author:

Raymond Krost. Using (http://www.squidoo.com/article-marketing-7) article marketing as a traffic generation technique is great. But if you don't know how to do it correctly, you are very likely to fail. Visit my website for tips on (http://www.squidoo.com/article-marketing-7) article marketing.

Need more traffic to your web site? Check out Twitter Traffic Exposed.

3 Always-Popular Niches

by Ryan Shinglebaum

When first starting out in Internet marketing, it's kind of hard to figure out which niche you want to start with. Do you go with a small, unknown niche that may flop or pay off huge? You could also go with one of the popular niches that will be around for a very long time.

Sometimes these niches are called evergreen niches. That's because these niches always have people looking to buy something to help solve their problems. It would be a good idea to start targeting these niches as you always know there's a huge demand.

Love and Relationships:

There is a wealth of niches in the relationships category, because there's so many stages of a relationship. There's always newbies to dating looking for a date and wondering how to act on a date. With regards to weddings, there's proposing, the whole wedding planning process, and more. Also, marriages and relationships in general have strife and people always need advice.

There are tons of other ideas for niches in the relationships category. Since humans will always have problems in relationships, you can provide the solution and get paid to do so! Just learn about a problem, write a solution, and sell the solution, and you're set.

Making More Money:

Getting more money is always a goal people have, especially in times of recession. If you can market ways for people to make more money, then you can have some success. Also, not simply making more money, but also helping people who are in debt and other financial problems can be a huge market.


There are two great reasons that health niches do very well. One of those reasons is the amount of niches available to tackle. Any health problem is a potential niche. Another reason is that the affiliate programs for health products pay very, very well. AdSense clicks pay well for health terms also.

No matter the season, weight loss will remain a popular niche within the health and fitness industry. Weddings happen every day and every bride wants to look their best on their special day. In the health and fitness industry you usually see a spike right before summer or the fall holidays.

When the time comes to sell and you've chosen one of the three niches mentioned, you won't have a hard time finding a buyer. As long as you choose a popular niche and do your homework, you'll be just fine. Keep it simple and choose something you think most of your friends or neighbors would be interested in.

This article was created to help you begin (http://nichetitans.com/) Niche Marketing and guide you on your way to sucessful Internet marketing. After you understand the basics, ex: (http://nichetitans.com/what-is-niche-marketing/) What is Niche Marketing, you'll be on your way to success. Start simple and as you work on it you'll be amazed by your progress.

The best Internet Marketing reference is Holly Mann's Honest Riches.

AdWords Advertising Explained

Contributed by Justin Harrison

An AdWords advertising campaign is built around short but carefully worded advertisements. Although limited in size, these advertisements can be very successful in attracting the attention of users who will then click on the advert and be taken to your website.

Two methods for this advertising practice exist related to the positioning of advertisements. Once you've set up your AdWords campaign, you will be presented with the option of either placing your ads on the search or the content network (in this case, AdSense), or on both.

Ads in the search network are linked up with a list that contains keywords that are closely tied to the advertisement's text and will then hopefully catch the eyes of more potential visitors who are actively seeking out your product or service.

Within the content network, as opposed to the other, your ad will be surrounded by an article or other content which is related. So in this scenario, your ad is viewed by readers who are maybe not thinking about purchasing at the moment, so, they are only browsing and not searching.

The effectiveness and performance of search advertisements far exceed that of contextual advertisements. In order to drive more traffic to your website, though, you could target both networks (in effect 'broadening your net') by selecting the search network check box for one and the content network check box for the other.

Contextual adverts have their advantages despite the fact that they may not give as many advantages as a search based advert. Your cost per hit is a lot lower and you'll have a little more flexibility in where your adverts land.

Even if you have already done advertising with AdWords, you may want to begin a new campaign if you want to target the content advertising folks. It may be possible to use the same campaign on the content network but it might not be as effective since the audience is usually considered more passive.

In the final analysis, a well run search network campaign is usually the most effective way to generate business but with a little ingenuity and well written copy there is no reason why this could not be supported by a parallel campaign on the content network.

About the Author:

Justin Harrison is a leading (http://www.justinharrison.com/) Internet Marketing consultant responsible for the (http://www.justinharrison.com/) Internet Marketing strategies behind some of the biggest online brands including Amazon, BBC, MasterCard and many others.
Twitter Traffic Machine shows you how to use Twitter to increase traffic to your web site.

Six Reasons To Start Using Video Marketing

Contributed by Terry Stanfield

Video marketing is an important factor for any business online. It can help you grow your business and achieve the results you are hoping for in your market. Some of the reasons you should consider the use of video marketing efforts include: showing up on the search engines, better site ranking, saving time, cost effective, and much more.

Video marketing is the best solution for any business suffering online today. Here are six reasons why you should invest in a video marketing solution for your online business.

1. You're Invisible!

One of the reasons businesses fail today is because they are not listed under search engine results. Video marketing provides a solution to listing your business with the search engines so the customers will find you.

2. You Rank Higher!

Ranking higher than your competitors in the search engine results is key to beating the competition. In order to achieve the highest ranking possible on the search engines, you must take advantage of video marketing to increase website traffic.

3. It Takes Less Time

When you manage your search engine marketing, it can take hours and hours of work. The best solution to freeing up needed time so you can use it toward more important goals of the company is by investing in video marketing.

4. You Get More Traffic

The higher an online business's website ranking is on the World Wide Web, the more credible the site is to the consumers. Video marketing can help your business achieve the best ranking possible by driving more traffic to your online website.

5. It's Cost Effective

Investing in video ad marketing efforts is more cost effective for your online business because of the value. It is money well spent when you invest in video marketing because of the success factors associated with the product.

6. It's Easier to be Compliant

It is common for search engines to remove online companies for not following the rules and regulations for online marketing. The right video ad marketing provides the right tools so you are in compliance with the guidelines set forth through the search engines so you are not removed from the search engine results.

There are many things you should know about video marketing and why your business can improve with these types of online efforts. If your business is suffering, you shouldn't think twice about the investment because it is money well spent. Some of the reasons your business can benefit through the use of video marketing include saving time, better value, increase website traffic, credibility through higher site rankings, being found on the search engines, and much more.

About the Author:

Increase web Visibility with a Video Marketing campaign. Go to Terry Stanfield's site for information on (http://www.clickadvant.com/video_marketing.htm?utm_source=VIDARC) Search Engine Marketing Services and more on (http://www.clickadvant.com/video_marketing.htm?utm_source=VIDARC) Video Ad Marketing.

If you have a blog, you need to read Blogging to the Bank.

Making An Income From Blogging

Contributed by Alan Edmunds

There are two major types of business models that entrepreneurs use to make money blogging. The first and most common way to turn a blog into a profit making machine is to sell advertising to different companies and brands who want to reach that blog's readers.

The second way to make money through blogging is to create positive associations between the brand and the readership. Both types can make a lot of money, especially if the blogger knows a lot about marketing.

If the purpose of your blogging is to sell advertisements, there are a couple of ways to go about the process of getting sponsors and advertisers. You can get someone else to do the work for you or you can do all of the work on your own.

Within the first group, many people make money blogging by selling space through Google's AdSense program. The advantages of this program are numerous, as it requires very little effort on the part of the blogger or webmaster to begin raking in profits.

However, most people discover that they make less money through this method than they had hoped that their blog would earn.

Selling advertising directly to companies who want to put banner ads or sponsored links on your blog can take quite a bit of time, but it is often fairly lucrative. If you have a lot of contacts in industries that are related to the topic of your blog, you may want to try to go this route.

Those with a strong sales background or who know how to pitch a deal can make a lot of money renting blog space to those companies that are interested in your blog.

The biggest problem with this method is that you need already to have a sizeable number of readers in order to convince companies to take the bait.

Blogging should continue to be more and more lucrative so that there will be many more companies that will consider getting into the action and advertising via blogs. Some companies are starting up their own blogs to act as somewhat of a friendly face for their company.

The company will often hire an established blogger who will write the blogs for them that appeal to the company's consumers.

More than one writer who never even dreamed that he or she could make money blogging has been approached by a company and offered quite a pretty penny for this kind of gig.

Choosing a free blogging site can feel overwhelming because there are so many options. There are several large free blog-hosting sites that dominate the blogosphere, but there are also smaller sites.

You can chose a large site like Blogger or a smaller site. It all depends on what you believe your priorities might be.

The best reason to choose a site over others is its reliability. Larger sites take precedence in that category. When you choose from a larger site, you can be assured that the site won't crash or disappear in a heartbeat, leaving you high and dry.

A company or site that has credibility by virtue of being around for a while is likely to carry the resources to make sure there arent any technical glitches.

However, many bloggers decide that this isn't enough of a selling point. The bloggers who choose to go with smaller, newer blog hosting sites do so for a variety of reasons, but perhaps the number one advantage is a fairly abstract one.

Bloggers tend to relish the fact that the Internet is a place where the underdog has a strong chance of success, and by choosing to have a small company as a blog host, a blogger is casting his or her vote for David against Goliath.

About the Author:

Alan Edmunds is a (http://www.greyandassociates.co.uk) party wall surveyor, working for a firm of (http://www.greyandassociates.co.uk) party wall surveyors. In his spare time he enjoys scuba and freediving.

Atomic Blogging can take your blog to new levels of income.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Should You Focus on Clickbank As Your Profits Booster?

Contributed by Henry Zeng

ClickBank.com has been around now since 1998 and has become known as the Internet's principle retailer for delivering digital products. Specializing in eBooks and software, they deliver a vast variety of digitally-based products across the Internet and rely largely on affiliate marketing to present these to the general public.

The reason why we are going to focus on ClickBank marketplace as our profits booster is that, with little to no overhead and in a very short period of time, you can start generating revenues as a ClickBank member, and grow your company over time into whichever avenues are of the most interest to you.

What ClickBank does is it allows vendors to set their desired percentage for affiliates on products they have created and are available for sale. For example, you may have written an eBook on photography and have it available for sale on ClickBank. You can decide to provide any range from 1% all the way up to 75% of the selling price as going to the affiliate who actually enables the sale of the product. You can also set the price per download or "sale" of the product at pretty much any price, like $49.95.

The reason why the ClickBank marketplace allows such flexibility is that many high-volume merchants realize that setting reasonable prices and having active and motivated affiliates marketing means increased volumes. At a high enough volume of sales even a few cents per sale is enough to generate incredible revenues.

With the ease of earning with ClickBank offers and the potentially high revenues offered, there are countless affiliates lined up to sell the products.

One of the most important reasons the ClickBank marketplace is so hot is that they handle all the cash transactions, any refunds necessary and handle affiliate commisons. They do not, however, store and download the actual products.

ClickBank takes many of the expensive and difficult to maintain eBusiness aspects right out of the equation for the affiliates who want to cash in on the sales.

They also provide some resources to which to market your ideas and products with a built-in supplier network for those who wish to create goods and services of a digital nature but would not be able to market them otherwise.

Get ultimate money-making tips & Online Marketing freebies on Henry Zeng's (http://henryzeng.com/) Online Marketing blog with free (http://cbhelper.com/article/) Online Marketing articles!
Do you have a Wordpress blog? Then you need Wordpress Gold Mine.

10 Great Tips to Make FaceBook Marketing Easier

Contributed by Yomi A

When it comes to joining an online social network, quality not quantity is what you should aim for. There are some great quality websites like Facebook, Orkut, Linked In, and Friendster. However you should join the one that best suits your needs. When it comes to online social networking, keeping all your chickens in one basket may turn out to be a much better strategy as it keeps you from spreading yourself really thin.

For me, Facebook has been the best of the lot and that has been because it meets my personal and professional needs.

It wasn't really difficult for me to select Facebook, because all my friends are already there! You can see which site has the majority of your friends and start off on that site, too.

I am going to share some tips on how I was able to use Facebook successfully and I am sure you will agree that these are generic enough for you to use them to good effect. So read on.

1. Create a great Profile:

Most people you encounter on Facebook do not have a complete profile and many don't even have a picture! So when someone does, people take notice. This is the reason why your profile should be complete and easy to browse through. It should be professional but not too formal, include a nice picture and most importantly include your website and personal interests. Including personal interests lets other users connect to you in a personal way which is very important in order to make the most of social networking.

2. Create a big network:

Once you are done with creating a great profile, next step is to create a great network. Start off by adding your friends and then look for their friends that have similar interests. The bigger your circle of friends, the greater will be your reach and the more effective your marketing efforts.

3. Talk to friends:

You have a great profile, your network is building, and so what's next? You have to start connecting with people now and the best way to do this is on Facebook. Start off by sending out messages to people. A lot of people are quite addicted to Facebook and check their messages very frequently. They also make a habit of responding to these messages. By sending messages you become an active member of the Facebook community and it helps you gain popularity.

4. Hand out some Gifts:

One of my favorite things on Facebook is to receive gifts. So what if they are virtual, it's the thought that counts, right? Giving virtual gifts is a very cool feature of Facebook and who doesn't enjoy being gifted? So show your appreciation and let others get that warm feeling too. Give out a few virtual gifts to your friends, appreciate and be appreciated.

5. Share applications on Facebook:

Facebook has a large number of applications that you can use to listen to music, play games etc. Start using a few that you find interesting and then invite your friends to use the ones that you enjoy. This also helps you establish a connection with your friends like the virtual gifts.

6. Join groups in Facebook:

There are hundreds of groups on Facebook and each of them is focused on a specific niche. You can join one that meets your interests and be assured that you will meet people with similar goals and interests which will further help you build a good network.

7. Create a group:

When you are active on groups for a while you will find patterns like what makes a group tick? Groups that people are looking for but not finding elsewhere, etc. Use this information to create a group of your own, make it a bit unique and fun. Invite friends to join in and in no time you will have a vibrant community.

8. Publicize your events through Facebook:

If you have a good and large social network on Facebook, there is no better tool to introduce your new product or service than by creating an events page and inviting your friends to view it and even get feedback from them on the event! This helps spread the word of mouth for your new services and it can create quite a buzz sometimes.

9. Syndicate your Blog:

Regular bloggers can use RSS to link their blogs to their Facebook profile. So every time you add an entry to your blog, it will start appearing on your profile page. This is a great way to keep your profile "fresh" and have your friends keep coming back to your profile over and over again.

10. Make a community:

At the end of it all, you should get a feeling of being a part of a community and your friends should get the same feeling. You should be active, have a lot of comments on other's pages and give feedback to them. Introduce people to each other and have a lot of fun.

So there you have it, a few tips for building a great brand and a great network of friends while at the same time promoting your products and services and having fun doing it. Use these tips wisely and with a little patience they will surely reward you.

About the Author:

Yomi A is freelance writer. Get a demo version of (http://www.friendadderelite.com/facebook-friend-adder-elite.html) Facebook Friend Adder Elite and learn why we are the number #1 (http://www.friendadderelite.com/facebook-friend-adder-elite.html) facebook friend adder .

Do you have a Wordpress blog? Then you need Wordpress Gold Mine.

Squidoo Marketing

Contributed by Eric Johnson

I know what you're thinking, but stay with me. It's easy - to make money with Squidoo; it is simple. Just follow along and I will show you.

So what is Squidoo?

Squidoo is a massive social network with affiliate marketing.

It is a network of single pages, called "lenses", which display views and opinions. These lenses can be on anything you want -- health, travel, people, tourism, sports, music etc. By making a lens you become a lens master.

Make Money With Squidoo

Squidoo is a great platform where you can give your views and opinions. It enables an opportunity to mix your passion with Internet business. Through this medium, you can run a very successful business no matter how different your products are. You can start a home business, within an hour, without your own website.

Squidoo lenses get indexed fast. Google loves Squidoo. Within 2 days you might have your own lenses listed with Google search. Your lenses may link to other big sites like eBay and YouTube. Usually, lenses don't focus on content matter. They generally recommend and then link to the content matter on the web. Therefore, effort is made to encourage your own personal knowledge and products through your lens.

Do Some Charity As You Make Money On Squidoo

Squidoo makes it possible for you to create your own unique business and then earn money for yourself or for charity. Squidoo shares its revenues with its lens masters. 50% of the revenue goes to the lens masters while 45% goes to Squidoo and 5% of the revenue goes to charity. Thus, the aim of Squidoo is to pay the maximum amount to the lens masters and to charity. And what a way to prove the old adage "Charity begins at home"! Even if your lens is not able to hit the top of the charts, it will still be able to generate money for you, as it has been included in the pool of lens masters.

To sum up, Squidoo is a lively platform where you can place your ideas and expressions and you will find thousands of people interested in it as well. It is a totally free tool to boost your affiliate sales and a very simple way to promote your product or your expertise. How passion turns into profit can be seen by using Squidoo!

Do you want free advertising to your website? Visit (http://FreeAdvertisingInternet.com) Free Advertising Internet

Atomic Blogging can take your blog to new levels of income.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bolstering Your Residuals and Your Conversion Rates

Contributed by Dominic D. Johnstone

There is an incredible online report from the American Chronicle that focuses in on the procedures and techniques that really drive conversions on your website.

Now is the time to take advantage of the economic downturn, and spend less on your Pay Per Click, and use other strategies to drive traffic and high end conversions to your site. As the economy is in the lowest state in decades, you can be pro-active and setup your online residual income generators and get them tested and running smooth. Once the economy improves, so will your clickthroughs and your profit margins.

Carpe Diem. Waste no time. Demonstrate your total entrepreneurial commitment and check out the site below. Applie the strategies and you will achieve tactical excellence. Seize the day and begin building your online marketing engine. Regardless of your age, you can join the new rich, today, and into the coming year.

The time is now... If you haven't read the book Do What You Love and the Money will Follow, you should consider it. Or at least glance through the book for examples of motivation for identifying your passions. Your passions will lead you to your market niches that will bring on the Internet cashflow dreams to reality.

Well, think about it. The idea that you can do what you what you love may be a precursor to the financial rewards that will come. Get started now, and give yourself a bit of lead time to develop a very financially rewarding life.

No matter your goals for online wealth in your lifetime, it is critical to follow your passion, and you will see sustainable success online.

When you know what your passions are, and the motivators that keep you going from day to day, and you can match those those interests and those incidental rewards in life. Doing so allows you to build financial reserves, and have to the endurance in your career to persevere with your ultimate financial success plan.

If you feel like identifying your passions, and using them to resolve problems that people are looking to the Internet for resolution, you will, you can set yourself up on the bandwagon for financial success. Spend time now to identify your passions, and generate your cashflowing wealth generator in the early new year.

If you have an interest in turning your interests, hobbies, or passions into part of your life time wealth building plan, take a look at RepeatUntilWealthy.com.

Wishing you the ultimate wealth, and success in life! Wishing you the best in you financial future.

Dominic D. Johnstone is an expert in Internet marketing and wealth building systems. His (http://RepeatUntilWealthy.com) cashflow system for earning extraordinary wealth is available on his e-commerce website. Dominic is renowned around the world for his articles and expertise in (http://RepeatUntilWealthy.com) Internet marketing systems, and developing systems of wealth generation that are repeatable and affordable for the every entrepreneur.

The best Internet Marketing reference is Holly Mann's Honest Riches.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Excellent Free eBook on CPA Offers


This is an excellent 89-page eBook written by Gauher Chaudhry, who lives in Mississauga and who is a multi-millionaire. He got that way by getting traffic (visitors) to CPA offers; these are promotional ads offering free samples and they pay out real money when someone signs up for the offer.

You’ve probably seen ads for free screensavers, free ringtones, samples of health products, samples of diet pills and herbal supplements, colon cleansers, etc. These are CPA offers. “CPA” means “cost per action”; the “cost” is with reference to the advertising company (the company making the offer); the “action” refers to the person completing a form with their mailing address (for a free sample) or an e-mail address. Some pay just for the person providing a ZIP code. You don’t get involved with the actual completion of the order, your job is to get people to see the offer and hopefully sign up.

Payouts (to you) are anywhere from $1 to $30.

Obviously, if you can get people to the advertiser’s site for less than the payout, you make a profit. I personally think that’s difficult to do with a $1 payout, but fairly easy with a $20 or above payout. Pay Per Click advertising is the way to go, but not through Google. Their rates are ridiculous these days.

You sign up with Microsoft Ad Centre or Yahoo Search Marketing or Clicksor, and design a 3-line ad (like a classified ad) promoting the product. Advertising rates with these companies are typically a fraction of Google’s, partly because their reach is smaller, but for a test run, you don’t care about that. If you spend $20 or $25 and make $30 or $40, then continue. You can set a limit with all these companies so you don’t go over some amount, say $25. You limit the advertising to the USA, by the way, because most of the offers are for the US.

Gauher’s free ebook gives explicit details on how to find the offers in the first place and how to promote them. Did I mention that it’s free? All it costs you is the time to download it. Then read it, and take action.

I have a copy of it myself, and if I had a working credit card, I’d be doing what he suggests right now.

Get this free 89-page eBook here: http://tinyurl.com/dauaym

Thursday, March 5, 2009

5 Biggest Mistakes of New Internet Marketers

Contributed by Amy Nutt

Internet marketing has become increasingly popular over the past few years and many people are just starting to venture into earning money online. Unfortunately, if you don't know what you're doing, you'll be quite likely to make some mistakes that could cost you big time. Being aware of what the biggest mistakes that newbies make is a good step toward being successful.

Here, we'll be looking at the top five mistakes that Internet marketers make in their first year. By understanding what goes wrong, you will be better able to avoid these same errors yourself.

1. Underestimating the workload

If you believe everything you read online, it seems that you can simply throw up an automated website, grab some email addresses and you're off to the races. Unfortunately, the real world doesn't work that way. Even the big name gurus who would like you to believe that you can magically rake in the money overnight had to work at it. Internet marketing is definitely a good way to earn money and it can eventually become relatively passive income, but you definitely need to put in the work at the beginning to make it work.

2. Jumping into the "earn money online" niche

Just look around the Internet and you'll find hundreds of people telling you how to earn money online. How many of these people actually earned money online before telling others how to do it? You'd be amazed at how many Internet marketers are struggling, even as they attempt to lead others. If you aren't earning online, don't even think about trying to teach others. Look for a niche that is less competitive and one that you can actually stand out in.

3. Throwing money at the problem

Every business requires some start up money, but that doesn't mean you have to go crazy about it. You can learn a lot online just by reading articles and then making a few well thought out purchases. Most newbie Internet marketers go ahead and start up pay per click campaigns to help drive traffic. While PPC can be a great way to bring in traffic, if you don't fully understand how to use it, you'll just end up losing money. Take the time to research and understand where your money is going.

4. Being too general

A sporting goods website might do alright, but in most cases, there is just too much competition for general ideas. Instead, look for micro-niches, like "protective sports footwear", which will have less competition and still a healthy amount of traffic. It pays to get specific. Even if you are thinking of doing this with several micro-niches, stick to one until it works, then you can branch out.

5. Giving up too soon

It's a sad fact that most new Internet marketers give up just before they could have been successful. Just because your idea didn't hit pay dirt in the first week doesn't mean it's a bad idea. If you continue on, you'll likely find that with a bit more publicity and hard work, you can make it happen, just so long as you stick with the original idea.

(http://searchenginepeople.com) Internet marketing isn't quite as easy as the gurus make it sound, though it is definitely a great way to earn a living. As long as you go into it with realistic expectations and ready to stick with your plans and ideas for the long haul, you are quite likely to find success. Make sure you do your research, investigating everything you can on your topic and then just go on and do it. You'll never succeed if you don't try.

A leader in Canadian (http://searchenginepeople.com) Internet marketing, Search Engine People offers expertise services such as (http://www.searchenginepeople.com/seo/reputation-management) reputation management, paid search campaigns, social media services and more.

The best Internet Marketing reference is Holly Mann's Honest Riches. It is extremely comprehensive, well written and well laid out, and explains everything you ever wanted to know about Internet Marketing.