Monday, January 26, 2009

The Best Internet Marketing Reference Ever

I spent two years and over $15,000 learning all about Internet Marketing, including white hat and black hat methods (bad things or unethical things that nevertheless can make you some money).

I recently discovered a book written by a young American woman, a single mother and Iraqui war vet, who moved to Thailand with her young baby because she could not survive in the US on her measly Army pension. With a lower cost of living in Thailand, she studied Internet Marketing and in only four months, was making US$10,000 a month. Obviously, she's a lot smarter than your average coconut.

She wrote a reference book to Internet Marketing, called Honest Riches (no black hat stuff in there), and sells it for less than US$40. So what the heck, I bought a copy and read it thoroughly, and guess what? All the money and time I spent learning this stuff was wasted. Her book is thorough and complete. You don't need anything else. The 2009 version is actually 10 books in one package.

If you are considering getting into Internet Marketing, don't waste your time and money, just buy this book and save yourself $15,000 and two years learning time. You will NOT regret it.


Affiliate Marketing Explained in 213 Words

You sign up with a company that provides products that you can sell. ClickBank sells digital (downloadable) products: eBooks and software. Commission Junction sells those plus real products. Amazon sells books and CDs and a lot of other stuff.

ClickBank is easy to join, easy to use, and pays promptly, once you have satisfied their initial requirement of having 5 unique sales.

Commission Junction (CJ) is a pain in the butt to use, very difficult interface, and almost all product suppliers require a manual approval, which takes a day or three, and sometimes you get rejected. Sometimes CJ delists a supplier for various reasons, in which case you've got to run through all your links and remove those to that supplier.

Amazon has a lot of widgets you can use to make marketplace malls and special ads, but they pay the least: typically 4% or 5%, so you need a LOT of traffic to make any money.

I have been using ClickBank for two years and recommend that beginners start with them, They have more than 30,000 products in many subject areas, all of which you can sell. It's easy to find products related to a subject, such as travel, or dog training, or massage, whatever.

Sign up with ClickBank here; it's free.

A Traffic Secret Revealed

It's been called the greatest viral marketing idea of all time, get your copy of this free report now. This is how I get 25-50 free visitors to my website every single day.

Written by Harvey Segal, who runs the ClickBank Success Forum, it's easy to read and will make you a stream of $10 payments, or $37 payments coming into your PayPal account, depending on the traffic to your web site.

It's inventive and it works.

Harvey includes affiliate links to all of his other products, so you can make a commission on any sales of those, too.

Click here to get your free copy.