Thursday, May 28, 2009

Make Money Doing Stuff You Normally Do

Here is a list indicating the how you can make money doing stuff you normally do anyway:

1) comparison of price
2) buying music
3) taking pictures
4) list online classifieds
5) sharing mobile content
6) socialize
7) for prediction
8) for content
9) social advertising
10) reading emails
11) sharing travel photos and videos
12) paid to blog

source: Alpha TalkBack with Stephen Pierce

If you have a blog, you need to read Blogging to the Bank.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Build Your List

Contributed by Rick Freeman

The amount of possible actions that the Internet offers for auto responders to build your list is limitless. With the use of auto responder series, Internet site owners are able to get visitors to repeat their visits and sales. Strategies that are effective for many individuals are those that follow.

Instead of building your email list with a daily or weekly eZine, publish a large monthly eZine as an e-book format delivered through auto responder in Adobe .pdf file format. Articles will form the bulk of your e-book, but each issue should also include such additional areas as quotes, industry tips, links to favorite websites, and pro advice.

Many people enjoy sprucing up their e-book by adding brilliant colors and audio/video file links, as well as ads. Once you have your e-book packaged, you can charge a monthly fee, and offer a yearly discount package. You can make additional profit off of your e-book by selling ad space in both the auto responder notifications of new issues and the informational series that you send out to your new prospects.

Including article directories on your site is another tip. Regular article directories can include a variety of topics, but these types of articles are designed to focus on a specific industry topic and always include their own ad along the top of their page. By inviting others to share links through a link exchange program, article directories further expand the marketing techniques.

Another tip is to simply encourage the writing of articles for your directory and include a resource box which will allow webmasters to list their website address. Smart owners engage in this activity because they know it will drive traffic to their website through the links. More information can easily be found by searching the terms 'link exchange software' or 'article directory software'.

If the webmaster feels truly confident in his area of expertise, he will offer a class based on that knowledge. These courses, sent through auto responder, can be fun and informational, but ultimately the goal is to link visitors back to the website. The marketing goal is to get people to fill out a form for email subscription services offered through the auto responder. The marketing continues as those that fill out the form are offered more information, in the guise of the courses, about the products that the website offers.

You've been shown how easy it can be to use the following to build your list: e-Zines, e-Books, directories, and online courses. Internet marketing can be an effective way to increase your business, even if your business is not online based.

Do you want to ( build your list? Then check out Rick Freemans FREE list building report at:

The best Internet Marketing reference is Holly Mann's Honest Riches.

Do you have a Wordpress blog? Then you need Wordpress Gold Mine.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Accelerate Your Article Marketing Campaign

Contributed by Raymond Krost

Making a huge impact through article marketing is relatively easy but it may take so much time and effort. Don't worry, it will surely worth it as the benefits you can get are extremely rewarding.

It can help you attract more people to your website to increase your sales leads, secure a good page ranking on major search engines, and ultimately make yourself known in the online arena as an expert on your chosen niche. This amazing marketing and product promotional tool is commonly called as article marketing.

If you have the money to spare, you may hire a couple of competent ghostwriters who can provide you with at least 10 articles per day. If you'd rather do the legwork by yourself, it would help if you can remain focused and determined. You must also be willing to extend your writing hours, write several short articles, and eliminate procrastination from your system.

Use the inverted pyramid technique. This is to keep your readers satisfied. You can do this by loading your first paragraphs with the juiciest details. When people see that the first 100 words of your articles are compelling, they are more likely to read your articles in their entirety.

Produce more articles. When using article marketing, you have to understand that both your expert status and the number of your backlinks largely depends on the number of your articles.

If you want to lure more people to your website and rank higher on Google, you must strive to produce more articles per day. By more, I mean a minimum of 10 articles that you should submit to major publishing sites every single day. This will help you strengthen your online presence and make both online users and search engine think that you have so much information to offer.

Get to know the people you are writing your content for. If you would like to make your content highly targeted and focused, you must first understand the needs and demands of your potential clients.

Don't' advertise on your content. Remember, article marketing is not designed for blatant ads. So, steer clear from inserting sales pitches on your content. Instead, focus on giving your readers the kind of information they need to keep them satisfied. When you do, these people are most likely to visit your site and they might even consider purchasing from you.

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Email Marketing Design Create The Best Campaign Possible

Create the Best Email Marketing Design Possible

Creating a successful design for an email marketing campaign depends upon a few key points. The first key is to keep it simple. If your email contains a flashy attention-grabbing window of opportunity, but no real content, you're not going to get the results most businesses desire. People steer clear of the gimmicks, so if your current design is 'gimmicky' you may want to consider revamping. If you make the decision to revamp consider the following.

Try a simple email newsletter. The reason for this is a recent report by Nielson Norman Group, the average e-mail user only reviews and Internet newsletter for an average of 50 seconds. Whereas, marketing designs boarded by e-mail only hold the reader's attention for around four seconds. As you can see the newsletter format will hold your average readers attention 10 times more than the normal email. Which in turn brings us to the actual design of the newsletter or the e-mail.

It's important to create a simple email marketing design that both captures the attention but also keeps the attention. The simple truth is that most consumers and e-mail users only read a fraction of the e-mails they receive. The rest of the e-mails that they actually open are merely scaned for content. Depending upon the individual, different advertising dynamics are found appealing. For this reason, you're e-mail newsletter or advertisement should appeal to each of these demographics.

Aside from simplicity, an effective email marketing design will utilize ASIC principles of design. By promoting contrasting colors to draw the eye and call readers to action over the amplification of certain statements. You may also want to consider the very e-mail inboxes from standard for e-mailing sources. For example Hotmail and AOL both offer varying standards when it comes to opening e-mail. It's a good idea to use colors and fonts that will be visually appealing in any e-mail genre.

Most e-mail forums have moved on to the concept that design segment should not contain more than 200 to 300 pixels. This means that your e-mail design should not be disproportionate. Try to ensure that you're marketing design has a smooth flow and is distributed evenly for the entirety of the content.

There have been countless studies on how most Internet users read e-mail and various documents throughout the web. Your desire should be to gain reader attention and you can be sure to do this by using an e-mail marketing design. The most effective design is constructed around a five second view of any page. That means any information put on your page should be readable/scannibal within a five second time constraint.

It's a good idea to use your knowledge. When it comes to marketing and media, to ensure that your message takes up less real estate than standard e-mail advertisements. If your e-mail add takes up too much space or comes across too spammy, most ISPs will automatically filter it out as junk. The imagery you placed inside your e-mail should convey a rapid message, don't make the mistake of using photos and logos for mere beautification. To make the most of your marketing design ensure that your pictures says something besides "I'm pretty".

E-mail marketing is a rapid response industry. This means you must be certain to give your potential clients every opportunity to make contact with you. You can be easily contacted via contact information placeed within your messages. Be sure to include links to your site, your address information, your phone numbers, your fax number and any other information that can be used to contact you on a daily basis, in every e-mail that you send to potential clients.

Let's face it! Without the proper email marketing design your email camapaign may well be predestined to fail. Knowledge is power! Use what you have learned here and from other resources well and your email design will stand a much better chance of adding profit to your bottom line.

If you have a blog, you need to read Blogging to the Bank.

The Secret To Generating Affiliate Marketing Leads

Probably the best way to get affiliate marketing leads is to use a mailing list. We're not talking about the mailings lists people used to use, where you purchased a list of 1000s of names for a price and then sent offers through the mail to each one of them. But opt-in email mailing lists. You don't have to buy names�people will give you their names, for free! Here's an example.

You have a simple website where you offer helpful information about how to train pet birds to behave well or talk. Through that site you promote one or more affiliate marketing programs. Maybe you link to a CD that helps teach birds to talk and you make profits (or hope to) from the sales your link generates through affiliate marketing. Or maybe you link to a pet shop that sells bird supplies and you get a small commission on each person that clicks through or registers on their website.

Whatever type of affiliate marketing you have in place, as long as you have visitors to your site looking for information, you can generate affiliate marketing leads by using your own mailing list. It's easy to get started.

There are many different software programs available online to help you manage a mailing list, from expensive programs with all the bells and whistles to free online programs. Choose one that fits your budget and your anticipated demand. You won't need to spend a lot of money when you're first starting out and if the operation expands dramatically you can always transfer your list to a higher-end provider later.

Once you have your mailing list software or service ready to go, it's time to get affiliate marketing leads to go into it. If your site is about birds, as mentioned above, then you're obviously providing information about birds to draw visitors there to click on your affiliate links. Simply ask people to register at your site, or to sign up for a mailing list or occasional mailings, with more of that great information. You can't just throw a register box in there and hope, you have to entice a person to want to sign up. Maybe when they do, you'll send them 10 tips on how to keep a bird from biting, or tips on the best way to make a quiet bird talk. Find something of value to your specific customers that you can offer to get them to sign up, or opt-in, to your list.

Once people opt-in, you have a ready-made audience for your affiliate marketing links. You no longer have to wait for them to visit your site. Write an article about birds or bird care, put together some tips, even just tell a bird story, include links to the programs you want to promote, and deliver it straight to their inboxes. This is an excellent way to generate affiliate marketing leads of people who are receptive to the products you're selling.

Do you have a Wordpress blog? Then you need Wordpress Gold Mine.

How E-Commerce Works

E-commerce is the exchange of goods and/or services electronically. When you buy something from eBay,, or any on-line store, you've participated in e-commerce. If you've ever downloaded music from a site like Napster or iTunes, that's e-commerce, too. First, lets discuss the different types of e-commerce to help you understand it better.


B2B or business-to-business e-commerce is the oldest form of e-commerce. Back in the 1960s, banks and other businesses began sharing and transferring files and information electronically. It was still limited, because there was not one standard way of conducting this business, so not all businesses could successfully transfer with each other. Once a reliable standard was set up in the 80s, B2B e-commerce really took off, because they all used the same method, and could exchange files much more easily.


Consumer-to-consumer, or C2C e-commerce is popular today. If you've ever purchased something on-line from another person, rather than a business, either through an ad posting on a electronic bulletin board or an online auction, you've participated in consumer-to-consumer e-commerce. By far, the most popular from of consumer-to-consumer e-commerce is in the form of on-line auctions, through the mammoth eBay auction site, where anyone can put goods on-line for sale to the highest bidder.


P2P or peer-to-peer e-commerce started with Napster, where users shared files for free. Now there are several similar websites and file-sharing programs and systems on-line.


We can't explain how e-commerce works without mentioning the huge amount of e-commerce that takes places from business-to-consumer. When anyone purchases anything, whether it's a download of something electronic or any item that must be shipped to the buyer, at an online store or website, that's e-commerce.

So to explain how e-commerce works, it's necessary to keep these things in mind. E-commerce involves one or more of the following:
  • the exchange of information on-line
  • the exchange of money on-line
  • the exchange of goods or services on-line
To explain how e-commerce works in your favour, the concepts are just as simple. If you want to purchase a book, for instance, you can find several on-line bookstores and compare the prices of that book to find the lowest one. You can check the cost of shipping the book, and their shipping times, and determine which store can get it to you the quickest, for the lowest price. All without having to stand in line, fight crowds, or spend any money for transportation or gas. So when you consider that you can comparison shop this way for small items and large alike, it's easy to see the advantages e-commerce offers you.

Though we can explain how e-commerce works in your favour, once you've purchased an item this way, it's easy to see the advantages yourself.

The best Internet Marketing reference is Holly Mann's Honest Riches.

Integrating a Shopping Cart with your Autoresponder

How important to your Internet Marketing is it to integrate your autoresponder with your shopping cart application? I'm here to tell you if you don't have one on your website, you're leaving big money on the table. In fact, you may even be dooming your on-line web marketing site to total failure. Harsh words! Right? But it's true.

One of the most important things you want to do when a customer hits the buy button, on your site, is to let them know their purchase has gone through and thank them for shopping with you. This can be accomplished with a simple autoresponder e-mail almost faster than you can blink your eyes. However, that's not the end of your message or at least it shouldn't be. You have a golden opportunity to reach out to your customers and whisper in their ear about any specials you are running and other items you have in your store.

A very effective way to capitalize on the "thank you" message you send out is to mention related accessory items to the product they just purchased. An example of this would be if your customer purchased a name brand pair of shoes, you would want to offer them a matching hand bag by the same designer. To make the offer even more enticing to your customer be sure and mention a discount off the accessories.

Listen up! Whatever you do, don't include this offer on their e-mail sales receipt. You want your customer to have a "Hallmark" moment with their purchase. They need to feel they are the most important person on your on line store and no one else matters but them. Take the time to have a very special message prepared for your autoresponder and shopping cart integration.

Frankly, if you're not a good writer, you should hire someone who is a professional writer. Make sure this particular writer is experienced in writing warm and fuzzy messages. Although it is an added expense it is a one time expense only. Your ROI of the expense will be returned to you every time one of your customers responds to your follow up autoresponder message.

Now for a note of caution! Don't kill the golden goose that laid your golden egg. In effect don't overuse your autoresponder to bombard your customers with deal after deal. Remember, you want them to feel warm and fuzzy about you. You want them to feel they are special in your eyes and if your not careful you can wear out your welcome. Two or three messages a month will keep your name in front of them and an occasional 4th or 5th time when you have a super deal for them.

Properly worded e-mails will work magic for your bottom line. Very simply it will allow you to form a long term relationship with every customer. With just a little customization of your e-mails, the importance of your autoresponder and shopping cart integration will become apparent every time you look at your bottom line.

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