Thursday, April 30, 2009

Split Testing a Web Site

So you've decided to do some split testing on your website? What now? Here are some ideas:

1. Adding An Audio Greeting:

Audio greetings are like video. They can help or hurt depending on the quality of the audio. Audio greetings aren't as popular anymore, now that video has become so prevalent, but it's still often a nice touch. Something to test is whether to have the audio start immediately, or wait until the user presses "play". You can get some users angry if you start the message automatically, so you might use that approach only if it converts significantly better. If it only wins by a little bit, I'd advise you to wait for the visitor to start the audio. (important)

2. The Stylesheet:

If you use a style sheet to set the font styles, sizes, and colors of all your headlines, subheadlines, body text and more, you can test different schemes very easily. This is often worthwhile. If you link to your stylesheet, it can be tough to run the test, depending on the software you're using. So for the test you might want to pull the stylesheet into the head section of your test page.

3. The Layout:

Do you have one column or three? Do you have a long sales letter, or a short fact sheet. The general approach you take on your page can make a big difference. This might even be the most important choice to make. Unfortunately, when using multivariate testing software, it's often difficult to test this factor with other factors, because it pervades so much of the page. You can either test this factor separately, or run your multivariate test from a spreadsheet. Or, with a server-side PHP-based software program, you can test it with other factors with some clever work, though it will probably be much easier just to run a simple split test for this factor alone. (important).

4. Color Of Headline:

When Taguchi testing of landing pages first hit the scene hard in 2004, one of the examples people used most was of testing the color of the headline. Red was the best, it was said. But then there was a debate about whether a bright red (like hex #ff0000) was best, or a deeper red (like hex #cc0000) was better. Since then, I've tested red, blue, black, mixed red and black, green, and others, and I've found that the headline color isn't all that important. You can test it, but I wouldn't expect much. (not so important)

5. Text Of Your Order Button:

Should your order button say "submit"? Probably not. How about "click here?" Probably not. Well, what about "Yes! Let me Get Started Now!" Probably better. This is an often over-looked place to test. I would recommend testing it, though it's probably not quite as important as the headline or the offer. (medium importance)

6. How You Frame Your Price:

Do you apologize for charging $20, or do you sell it for $1,000, and make them think it's worth $10,000? If you frame too high, you might not be believable. Too low, and your product won't have much perceived value. Should you use a coupon code? When should you give it to them? At the top of the page? Should you let your affiliates pass on the coupon code? Price framing is a very important art, that you can develop through testing. (important)

About the Author:

Jim Stone, Ph.D. Created the Split Test Accelerator, and is an expert at using Taguchi testing to improve landing pages. Visit STA to learn more, or visit this page for more split testing ideas.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

8 Proven Strategies To Make You Sales Online

Contributed by andrew pickett

Yes I know you're probably saying to yourself I've heard it all before. Well stop that voice inside your head for 2 minutes. Success in Internet Marketing is happening to a small number of people as compared to the amount of people trying.

There is a huge amount of online marketing material out there. Good and Bad. People telling you that you can make this ton of money by doing this. Well I was as non believing as the next person, that was until I followed enough good information.

What is important is that you must get prepared. Absorb all the good information. (Siphon out the rubbish).

How do you find the real deal information? Well you get referred to it or be like me and try everything (call it overheads to starting any business) until you know you have the gold.

The best is obvious! When you take on the good information, you become prepared and you see more and more opportunities arising. Success = When Preparedness meets Opportunity.

To prepare you need to have:

1. Attention to detail 2. Knowledge which makes you more creative to do things others are not doing.

To become successful you have to:

1. Do the attention to detail 2. Apply the knowledge and keep going. Don't stop.

The successful results you get then gives you more energy to keep going. In turn you focus on the things that are working to create the life you want.

I have seen and tried the materials of many Internet marketers online with varying degrees of success. Most would have you believe it is "easy", just copy and paste their material.

But what you need to do is understand the ways of marketing and what products to promote. To have someone with integrity show you What, Where and How is extremely valuable.

I now know these details enough to be succeeding online and it is exciting to be pursuing my dreams. Dreams of working from home, living by the beach and not working and reporting to someone else.

I am writing this for anyone out there who is thinking about creating income online or is making income online already. You can do incredible things when you have the best information with attention to detail. Know that it is there.

What if I said I knew someone who has made $2,600,000 US online for the 10 months to October 2008.

You can do it to and live your dreams from a computer income anywhere by applying the best knowledge.

Sit down. Write out what your dreams are. Picture and visualize them. What specific income per day 24/7 do you need to attain these dreams? Draw up a plan or mind map. Whatever you're comfortable with. What knowledge do you know now of Internet Marketing? What can you do now today to apply this knowledge and make income?

Are you prepared in : 1. Niche markets? 2. Keyword Mastery? 3. SEO Intelligence? 4. Content Creation? 5. Video Marketing? 6. Social Marketing? 7. PPC Domination? 8. Software Marketing?

Get prepared one step at a time. Small pieces. Not overwhelm. You can do it over a timeline.

Did you find this article helpful in any way? If you did then view ( step-by-step video tutorials, and ( online sales resources here!

Need more traffic to your web site? Check out Twitter Traffic Exposed.

Are You Finding Hot Niche Markets?

Contributed by Laurance Dunne

There are many affiliate programs, network marketing and other programs, every one is looking for concrete ways to make money. The big programs are usually saturated very quickly, the best way to avoid this is finding niche markets.

A niche is basically a small market, for example Ford is a market, but Ford Mustang is a niche. A piece of a jig saw or a small piece of the puzzle so to speak. The KEY is finding a hot niche, there are many ways to do that.

The best place to start looking for a niche product to market is in your own life. What do you like, need or enjoy? This works on two levels, one chances are, if you like, need or want something, someone else does as well and two if it is already something you are interested in then you will have plenty of knowledge on the subject to write about.

Finding a hot niche market by looking at every day problems. All the daily problems that you might encounter there is a good market somewhere.Someone once made a fortune on a bad breath eBook, the possibilities are endless.

Do you like making things people are always into arts and crafts. Use a craft you like or research a new one this is always good for finding hot markets. This market is probably on the increase considering todays economy.

If you are hitting a brick wall, not one idea coming to mind. Begin brainstorming. Write down as much as you can. When you focus and concentrate you will be surprised what will pop into your head.

If your brain is not coming up with any solutions then its time for research. Visit chat rooms, search the net, read blogs see what people are discussing. You will have several ideas for finding hot niche markets. .

Here is where the fun part comes in. Now that you have found a potentially hot market, you need to find keywords to back it up. Keywords will make or break your online marketing endeavors.

There are many Keyword tools on line, many are free, this will help you find hot keywords based on you subject. Say Mustang is the latest craze, put Mustang in the "keyword tool" the results might show 1969 has had a lot of hit over the past few week, this would be a good term to indicate a hot niche market.

Put all the information you have gathered and begin building your content around the hotly searched key word. Always take note of your research as some of the keywords that you found could be developed for a secondary niche.

Finding Hot niche markets are one of the fastest ways to make serious money on the Internet. People love their niche items and will pay through the nose sometimes to get them.

( Finding hot niche markets will be your key to success, the revolutionary niche finding tool is now released to a for those who want to succeed at ( Niche Q Reviewed.

Need more traffic to your web site? Check out Twitter Traffic Exposed.

All You Need To Know About Your Affiliate Site

Contributed by Anson Hall

In most cases, you will need to create your own affiliate website in order to promote the products effectively. In fact, it will be very difficult for you to make money if you do not try to create your own website.

As you may know, affiliate marketers do not have to spend a lot of investment. They will need to build their assets while they are working. As a matter of fact, your affiliate website, as well as your subscriber list, are the assets you will build up while you are working.

You may think that you can still making money by promoting the affiliate links on related forums. However, the fact here is that a lot of forums will not let you post your affiliate links. They will just ban your account if you try to promote affiliate links on the forums.

From the above you will certainly know the importance of having your own affiliate website. However, the next question will be how you should create the site. You can either have your own domain or use services such as in order to create the site.

So, you may want to know which option you should go for. We will need to first of all understand the difference between these two options. The advantage of using free services is of course you do not need to spend money. On the contrary, you will need to spend some money if you go for the option of creating your own domain and website.

However, you should understand that you do not only consider the cost when you are building your affiliate website. You have consider a lot of other issues when you are building the site. Failure to consider these issues will make you unable to make money with affiliate marketing.

You should first of all consider the graphic layout of the website. If you are using free services such as You will have to follow the page format of the site. You cannot totally redesign the layout of it. And it may affect the conversion rate.

You cannot hide your affiliate links yourself if you use free services like This is also true for In fact, you can hide the links without any problem if you have your own hosting and domain. The problem of affiliate hijacking has to be addressed at this point.

In fact, you may still use the free services. I will suggest that, if you have already had your own domain, you can try to start another site using the free services. For example, you may have your own website and at the same time you will use a free blog to support your main website!

Anson Hall is an author. He has a site on ( Make Money Online. You may also want to check ( SEO Basics.

Do you have a Wordpress blog? Then you need Wordpress Gold Mine.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Article Marketing For Beginners

Contributed by Raymond Krost

The traffic you are going to receive from your article marketing efforts will come first from the article directories themselves. A Couple of weeks after your submission, you will receive traffic to your websites from three other sources.

Have you ever been invited to someone's home for dinner and had to serve yourself from pots on the stove? If your host is a great cook, it doesn't matter. You're happy to be there. But if the host is not a great cook, you may feel that you've wasted your time. Not only have you taken time out of your schedule but you've changed clothes, driven to his home, and either stopped on the way over or will stop afterwards to get something to eat. Bummer!

Those who read our articles may feel the same way if we have enticed them with our title and teased them with our article summary, only to have them frown on the content when they read our article. They must go somewhere else to fulfill the need our content failed to provide.

Quality content satisfies because it fills the needs of readers. Quality can be excellent, better, good, fair, or poor. It can also be compared to the educational grading scale of A, B, C, D, or F. When readers view your articles, you must meet their needs with excellent or A quality information.

Don't forget that you do want to submit your articles to ezinearticles first because you are going to receive an insane amount of traffic from this article directory alone.Once you submitted your articles to ezine articles, submit more!

Article presentation allows your readers to easily consume what you have prepared. Help your readers easily digest your articles by presenting your information in bite size pieces. Give them time to meditate on one section of your article before going to another. You can accomplish this with subheadings, numbers, or bullets.

When writing your articles, remember that presentation counts. Be a good host, present your information in a way that is easily consumed by everyone who reads it. Brand yourself as a writer who consistently serves quality content in an appealing way.

Readers will come to know, like and trust you which is a major step in article marketing.

( article marketing is a powerful resource for you to drive ( hordes of traffic to your website.

Do you have a Wordpress blog? Then you need Wordpress Gold Mine.

Best Web Advertising Tools

Contributed by Ethan O. Tanner

Internet Marketing has its own set of the preeminent marketing tools. If you are not new to the world of Internet Marketing, many of these advertising tools are quite familiar to you-search engine optimization special software, content management services, affiliate marketing programs, auto responders, keyword tools and others.

DOMAIN NAME- The domain name is the first best Internet Marketing tool that you must start your business. Picking the right domain name will gear your way towards success yet getting it wrong will tell you that your game is over. First, you should pick a short, unforgettable, and keyword-relevant domain name. Picking a domain name that is related to your main keyword/s will help you in getting high search engine page ranking of your website.

IP ADDRESS- Internet advertising experts suggests that you set up a particular server for your domain. Web hosting companies typically have your domain name co-hosting hundreds of domains on a single server. Since all domains are under the same server, this may result to unfavorable consequences especially if one of the domains is allegedly spamming or behaving dishonestly. Thus, it is wise that you have a separate IP address for each domain name.

KEYWORDS- it is what Internet researchers type into search engines to locate the data or product that they are looking for. These are one of the most important basics on any online-based marketing venture. Thus, you need to pick the relevant and right keywords and you are on your way towards achievement.

KEYWORD TOOLS- You need to find useful keywords for your Internet marketing business. You must have special keyword research tool or online keyword generator that will help you pick the right keywords. Such tools will supply useful data such as number of searches made monthly, the degree of competition, and the websites that targeting such keywords.

ARTICLES- advertising your website largely depends on organic SEO strategies. One simple strategy is to write and submit keyword-relevant articles to article directories and Internet publishers. As articles directories and Internet publishers displays your articles, you will be able to gain valuable links back to your website. Search engines follow these links and rank your website according to the keywords included on these articles. Maximize the potential of your articles and bring the targeted traffic to your website.

LIST- any Internet Marketing system is supported by list. This is a huge database of contacts or individuals who have given you permission to communicate with them through email or newsletter. Most Internet marketers are keeping various databases for each product that they are targeting. Aside from emails and newsletters, you must also set up a list of affiliates that can help you promote and sell your products to your clients. Once you have acquired a huge list of loyal subscribers and affiliates, the door of opportunities will now follow.

Internet Consultant Ethan O. Tanner explains the tools for successful ( Internet Marketing and makes it easy for you to ( Make Money Online

Need more traffic to your web site? Check out Twitter Traffic Exposed.

3 Sure Fire Ways to Get Your Videos Noticed

Contributed by MLM Absolute

In recent years online video has exploded in popularity. The massive popularity of online video is due mainly to two converging trends: the greater availability of high speed Internet access and the increased affordability of digital recording equipment.

The popularity of videos made big search engines like Google to give higher importance to it and placed relevant videos high in the ranks for natural searches.

It is definitely beneficial to you and your business to have online video presence in some video sharing sites. The high emphasis that Google give to relevant video may outshine your website in search results rankings.

Videos can provide you with traffic because you can advertise your URL inside each of your videos and place a link in the video description adjacent to your video. Youtube is an excellent traffic generator because they actually allow you to place a clickable hyperlink next to each of your videos so long as you include "http://" at the beginning of your URL.

Here are a few tips to enhance your online video marketing efforts:

1.Keyword Selection

You need to make your video relevant to a specific keyword, or at least use a good keyword to describe your video. A good keyword is one that describes your content accurately.

2.Reference From Others

To make your video more effective and attractive to viewers, you should find videos that have successfully attracted many views, and model after it. See how the title is phrased and how it is described so you can follow the structure of it.


Most of the video sharing sites allow you to share your video with other users. On Youtube, you can simply submit your video as a response to similar videos. This allows your video to ride off the exposure of other, more popular videos.

( MLM Absolute is a learning platform for all MLMers and Network Marketers to gather all information and skills required for the business in a central location. To know more about expanding your business, visit ( MLM Absolute. You will never regret!

The best Internet Marketing reference is Holly Mann's Honest Riches.